Saturday, May 15, 2010

New Hair and more Dignitaire!

Milky Bob hair and White Vent costume
on Grace Bernelli, Ceriel.

 Le Dignitaire for Musketeers costume
on Female Musketeer, Azrael

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

New Pictures!

Many many things have happened...
Seraph in his Dignitaire costume with +6 Chess Sword!
Kudos to Falencia  for getting/+6ing/chipping the sword for me :)

Le Dignitaire for Fighter

It's funny because it's originally created for Master lvl characters only (well at least in kGE) but in Sword of the New World, even Veteran lvl charactrers can wear it o_O.... I had to think a lot before choosing what to get because it takes 50 Red Quality Cloth, 50 White Quality Cloth and 12 amritas to make one! (And you need a Veteran lvl Ania)... I only had enough to make one at the time I asked WildChinoise to make it for me so I decided to go with the Fighter because ... well it was the best looking one (excluding female wizard... that I never use). I'm planning to get 2 more for my Expert Muskies, Azrael and Zerachiel!

Ruinel (Kurt) finally experted and mastered Rapiere of Grim

Rapiere turned out to be a little bit better than what I expected, but less than what I had hoped for. But probably thats because I dont have proper gears for him;; He's in his +5 92e rapiers and +6 3dr Camisa. I probably wont use him for a while until I get at least better armor on hm.

Gale (Scout) in his new Wild Shaggy hair

Sema (Wizard) in her new costume (forgot name)

And last but not least, my expert musketeer team!
Zerachiel and Azrael
Zerachiel experted a long time ago but I was too lazy to post anything about it.
She also mastered Flintlock :)

Zerachiel and Azrael rocking in their +5 Trump bayo, La Fuerza