Sunday, November 1, 2009

Experted Viki and Brunie

Finally! :P
I got tired of lvling so I just used up 15 vet exp cards
I've saved up from Halloween Jorg Raid (will post pic of that later)


+6 3dr Laranja, +7 whistle, 2x healing rings

Turry Dog before Raising 1 CHA (6 CHA)

Turry Dog after Raising 1 CHA (7 CHA)

112 atk difference @_@


+6 92e pistol, +6 3dr Striform

Now I'm lvling Romina, Viki, and Brunie in Bahamar Secret Area
to expert Romina, and lvl Brunie to lvl2 50% so I can sell her for 3b :x


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