Saturday, November 28, 2009

Finally Selva!

It took a loonnnngggg time. And money. And effort.
420m total for 20 Amethyst Fragments
8~9m ea for 30 Cabbages (already had about 20)
8~10m ea for 20 Golden Apples
Rest (Wolf Meat and Beet) I've already had for a while...
and then I made phantomed make the Snowfield Soup for me :P

Anyway to finish the Caebolan Questline:
Using 10 (later 10 again) Amethyst fragments
to use the Warp Point in Interna de Gigante

Few of the dialogues I thought were pretty dramatic:

Awwww Poor Selva

LOL Eduardo has no memory of you; that sucks.
Jason Bourne moment right there

Annnyways, I finished the Caebolan Questline...
And then it was time to go to the Corridor de Assize in Joaquin Prison
and kill the Chrysalis and Dr. something
(it was peace of cake, and luckily no one was there)

And then more bla bla bla, had to kill Giant Avalanche Apparition
Which took like 30min -_- because I couldn't solo it by myself
(the hp stopped at like 90% and wouldnt go any lower)
so 2 of GreatJustice clan members came and helped me out
(forgot their names already) Nice people :D

And then more crap, went to Dr. Torsche's Mansion's Library
and then found Cortes in the hidden room o.o

Haha, fag, serves you right :P

And then I went to Frozen Wastes to get the antidote crap with soup
and then freed Cortes, bla bla, bish tried to kill me, and bla bla
I'm leaving out so many details Im so lazy lol go do the quest yourself geez

and then finally!
Selva begs to be taken under my wing, er I mean family lol


7 Str, 7 Agi, 5 Con, 5 Dex, 5 int, 3 Cha

I named her Selva :)



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