Sunday, November 29, 2009

Love Story!

Starring: Selva Norte, Kurt Lindon, Eduardo Hingis
Setting: Port of Coimbra, after all three characters became part of Avalith family

Y'know, I always found it hilarious that his "fiance" is so much more of a useful character than Eduardo. Well, I guess with Rapiere out and everything, people can dispute, but seriously. Selva kicks major ass. She doesn't even have expert stance out and she still pwns like Eduardo on Rapiere of Grim. AND SHE LOOKS SO MUCH COOLER! Why did she fall for that Eduardo??? He is so ugly *gets raped by Eduardo fans*

Kurt and Selva is a better couple ^____^

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Finally Selva!

It took a loonnnngggg time. And money. And effort.
420m total for 20 Amethyst Fragments
8~9m ea for 30 Cabbages (already had about 20)
8~10m ea for 20 Golden Apples
Rest (Wolf Meat and Beet) I've already had for a while...
and then I made phantomed make the Snowfield Soup for me :P

Anyway to finish the Caebolan Questline:
Using 10 (later 10 again) Amethyst fragments
to use the Warp Point in Interna de Gigante

Few of the dialogues I thought were pretty dramatic:

Awwww Poor Selva

LOL Eduardo has no memory of you; that sucks.
Jason Bourne moment right there

Annnyways, I finished the Caebolan Questline...
And then it was time to go to the Corridor de Assize in Joaquin Prison
and kill the Chrysalis and Dr. something
(it was peace of cake, and luckily no one was there)

And then more bla bla bla, had to kill Giant Avalanche Apparition
Which took like 30min -_- because I couldn't solo it by myself
(the hp stopped at like 90% and wouldnt go any lower)
so 2 of GreatJustice clan members came and helped me out
(forgot their names already) Nice people :D

And then more crap, went to Dr. Torsche's Mansion's Library
and then found Cortes in the hidden room o.o

Haha, fag, serves you right :P

And then I went to Frozen Wastes to get the antidote crap with soup
and then freed Cortes, bla bla, bish tried to kill me, and bla bla
I'm leaving out so many details Im so lazy lol go do the quest yourself geez

and then finally!
Selva begs to be taken under my wing, er I mean family lol


7 Str, 7 Agi, 5 Con, 5 Dex, 5 int, 3 Cha

I named her Selva :)


Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Musketeer, ETS, and Scout ~_~ in Marsh

Falencia made 2 Serpent Rifles (Bayonet, w/e you want to call it)
and the first one he crafted got this stat on it (without chipping):


And yeah it was really reallllyyy weird hahaha.. and um.
He gave it to me for time being since he won't be using it anyways
But neither am I because I'm lvling Vet nubs in Marsh :x

I'm trying to get ready for a Selva D:
Need to get more Cabbages and Golden Apples
and 18 or so Amethyst Fragments
and then I'll make phantomed make the soup for me

It's called Prelude
(Hey isnt there a car named Prelude)

My two favorite skills:

Con Fuoco
Requires Prelude stance level 5
Consumes SP 550, Ancient Star Orb x10
Targets all squad members within 6m of self
lvl10: 180s duration, aspd +10%, crit +10, accuracy +10

Con Impeto
requires Prelude stance level 15
Consumes SP 550, Ancient Star Orb x10
Targets all squad members within 6m of self
lvl10: 180s duration, block +10, eva +10,
20% chance to negate magic attacks

But to get this stance you need to finish the Prelude Stance Quest, but you need to have finished Hellena's Quest (which is a prerequisite for), Al Quetz Moreza Holy Water Chamber Quest, and completed Lorch Furuholmen (That is his kGE -and thus original and legitimate - last name) and Vincent Rio Recruitment Quest in order to get the Quest in the first place lol

I finished the last two, I just need to wait for the first two to be updated for me to finish -__-

Well I guess even before that I need to Expert my Vincent hahahahahhaa
That also means I'll probably keep my +6 92e Lute that I got for 520m

And find a Virgo Symbol.
But it's all in 4.2.6


Wednesday, November 18, 2009


My pistol sold for 500m (475m after tax or something) -_-;
UGH I SHOULDVE GOTTEN HIGHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to try and get at least 550m or 600m on my  next pistol QQ
Good bye pistols :x I'll miss you..............................
I remember getting them for like 200m xDDDD I guess it's a profit..

And then I'll get +6 92e Iron Pistols with atk/spd stat +_+
Cuz I already have an uber one :3 w000000000000000t

Lvling Calypso, Musketeer, and ETS in Marsh

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Plvling Routine

My new routine for plvling nubs from lvl1 to lvl100 (Veteran)
It worked pretty well with my Musketeer!

Gigante Beach
LVL 1~58,60
Map of Gigante Beach

Rion Dungeon, Hollow
LVL 58,60~75
Map of Rion Dungeon, Hollow

Fire Isle, Free Zone~100k Zone
LVL 75~80
Fire Isle

Skeleton Dungeon, Floor 1
LVL 80~90,95,100
Map of The Skeleton Dungeon, First Floor

Fire Isle 500k Zone
LVL 90,95~100
Fire Isle

Im one of yous Q___Q DUN HIT MEEEEEEEEEE

I remember!

Oh, I remember what I needed to do. I need to vet my Karj after my Musketeer experts..
I need to make Enhanced Shooting Resistance Necklace! :X

That reminds me, I also need to farm 20+ Pure Otites...
And get more hero seals from Poison Yard ~_~ sigh

When will I ever get Selva? QQ

Also Expert Rio with $ander$'s lute o.o


Avalith Family
Bristia Server

Azrael, Zerachiel, Soho, Israfil, Teru, Ruinel, Seraph, Catherine, Israfil
Verchiel, Ceriel, Gale, Selva, Soren


2nd Black Dragon! It has decent stat. I got it for 600m
I think its better than this:

BD I bought for 600m from phantomed long time ago

My 2nd Musketeer is vet and is now lvling Outrage in Marsh with 1st Musketeer and Scout!
I freakin can't wait until she is expert... FLINTLOCK TIME OHOHOHOHOHOOHOOO
Zerachiel (Veteran) and Azrael (Expert)
Azrael is waiting for you to join the Flintlock fun, Zerachiel >_<
Dragon Coat costumes

I may hit AA for the 2nd Musketeer, but I don't know.
I might as well grind more in Marsh with ETS instead of the expert Scout.
Im so excited o.o
As soon as I expert My 2nd Musketeer...
I forgot what I was going to do. o.o;

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Romina and her maxed Equites

Finally vet Calypso
(that's not my 100e xbow)

And I got the chicken costume~
I love it :o

Oh and I'm lvling my 2nd Musketeer in Beach right now :x

Friday, November 6, 2009

Expert Romina!


And I had this baby ready in my inventory:

Now she's grinding away in Skelly AA, trying to max the stance...
With phant's ogre... haha it's going pretty fast

20% stance exp manual + 20% stance exp witch's candy buff
It's lvl 20 already... so... Will be max by the time I wake up ^_^ hopefully

And after she maxes it, I'm going to compare it with my Fighter's Equites..

Romina using Blessedness buff

Monday, November 2, 2009

Sold Brunie!

Yes I finally sold my expert Brunie
for 2b+ lvl97 Emilia the Sage both his merc:

(de-experted to vet lvl9 after merc)

Emilia the Sage
(de-vet to lvl97 after merc)

and I sold the Emilia the Sage for 840m +2 lvl100 chips
Now I have 3b+ xD
But most of it will go to $ander$ because I owe him 3b :x
I'm not going to pay back entirely though :o
I'm going to keep some money with me to see if I can get another rifle
for my 2nd Musketeer ... dam I have to expert one now -_-

Currently I'm soloing in Marsh with Romina to expert her!
She's lvl9 10% will be expert in no time.
I already have Romina-Version Equites stance book ready

Birthday! =D

Im 20 now. Im not happy for some odd reason.
~GrimSoul~ : phantomed on alt acc
whooray for me :o

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Experted Viki and Brunie

Finally! :P
I got tired of lvling so I just used up 15 vet exp cards
I've saved up from Halloween Jorg Raid (will post pic of that later)


+6 3dr Laranja, +7 whistle, 2x healing rings

Turry Dog before Raising 1 CHA (6 CHA)

Turry Dog after Raising 1 CHA (7 CHA)

112 atk difference @_@


+6 92e pistol, +6 3dr Striform

Now I'm lvling Romina, Viki, and Brunie in Bahamar Secret Area
to expert Romina, and lvl Brunie to lvl2 50% so I can sell her for 3b :x

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Stupid G1-Raiden

Why would you want to impersonate a G1 staff member?

Monday, October 26, 2009


New Things To DO: (not really)

After Experting Viki and Brunie in Marsh
  1. Level Brunie to Expert lvl2 50% in Bahamar Cave (Secret Area?)
  2. Sell her for 2b+
And then:
  1. Expert Romina in AA
  2. Learn Equites and max in AA also
And Vet these nubs in order:
  1. Calypso
  2. 2nd Grace (maybe) (too poor to merc over to alt and no shotty)
And figure out what to do later:
Things that I could do after the above things:
  1. Expert grind Grace with Emilia the Sage (maybe) and Viki in Marsh
  2. Level 2nd Musketeer and grind with Grace and Viki instead of ETS
  3. etc.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Trio

Our group chat lol
I get so confused these days because phantomed is on $ander$'s account, leveling his Elementalist and Vincent Rio in AA to pay off his debt owed and $ander$ is on phantomed's account master grinding his main team for phantomed. lol

But it's pretty hilarious because you can tell who's who by the way they talk hahaha
Ow my face hurts from laughing too much