Monday, October 26, 2009


New Things To DO: (not really)

After Experting Viki and Brunie in Marsh
  1. Level Brunie to Expert lvl2 50% in Bahamar Cave (Secret Area?)
  2. Sell her for 2b+
And then:
  1. Expert Romina in AA
  2. Learn Equites and max in AA also
And Vet these nubs in order:
  1. Calypso
  2. 2nd Grace (maybe) (too poor to merc over to alt and no shotty)
And figure out what to do later:
Things that I could do after the above things:
  1. Expert grind Grace with Emilia the Sage (maybe) and Viki in Marsh
  2. Level 2nd Musketeer and grind with Grace and Viki instead of ETS
  3. etc.


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