Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Stupid G1-Raiden

Why would you want to impersonate a G1 staff member?

Monday, October 26, 2009


New Things To DO: (not really)

After Experting Viki and Brunie in Marsh
  1. Level Brunie to Expert lvl2 50% in Bahamar Cave (Secret Area?)
  2. Sell her for 2b+
And then:
  1. Expert Romina in AA
  2. Learn Equites and max in AA also
And Vet these nubs in order:
  1. Calypso
  2. 2nd Grace (maybe) (too poor to merc over to alt and no shotty)
And figure out what to do later:
Things that I could do after the above things:
  1. Expert grind Grace with Emilia the Sage (maybe) and Viki in Marsh
  2. Level 2nd Musketeer and grind with Grace and Viki instead of ETS
  3. etc.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Trio

Our group chat lol
I get so confused these days because phantomed is on $ander$'s account, leveling his Elementalist and Vincent Rio in AA to pay off his debt owed and $ander$ is on phantomed's account master grinding his main team for phantomed. lol

But it's pretty hilarious because you can tell who's who by the way they talk hahaha
Ow my face hurts from laughing too much

Finally Maxed Expert Stances

I actually maxed Hanging Guard on Grenmah last night
but now I'm posting the pictures XD

Equites on Fighter

Flintlock on Musketeer

Hanging Guard on Grenmah

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Things to do

I maxed Equites on my Fighter and Flintlock on my Musketeer. (5~6 days)
I'm now lvling Hanging Guard on Grenmah :o it's going pretty fast!
Brunie is with Grenmah, expert grinding in Marsh
Viki is growing so fast! He's Veteran lvl 7 at the moment.
He'll be expert in no time!
Which is perfect because I only have 3 expert scrolls
I guess that means
  • 1 for Romina
  • 1 for Viki
  • 1 for Brunie!
I need to get moar later :x

Things I need to do:
  1. Level Romina to Expert: 50%+ (Veteran lvl 6+) in Marsh and AA
  2. Max Equites on Romina
  3. Level Brunie to Expert
  4. Raise another female Musketeer to expert

Things I think I need to do:
  1. Expert Claire & learn/max Hanging Guard
  2. Learn Hanging Guard on Fighter
  3. Vet 2nd Grace and merc over to alt
  4. Level Musketeers on alt and sell for vis

Characters I need to Vet:
* = I might sell away
  • Grace (lvl 90s+)
  • Lorch (lvl 80s)
  • Karjalainen (lvl 70s)
  • Calypso (lvl 70s)
  • Eduardo (lvl 50s)
  • Lisa (lvl 40s)
  • Soso (lvl 40s)
  • Andre (lvl 50s)*
  • Claude (lvl 50s)*

Monday, October 12, 2009


 came back home from school and noticed my game was in its login screen. I disconnected! I logged in and noticed that ReyesII wasn't online. I was like. Wow that fucking sucks for him...

And then I moved on with life and got my expert stances for my characters!

Fighter currently has Equites and I might give him Hanging Guard later
But Im not sure... so useless... I just got Equites on him because it looks cool.


Musketeer got Flintlock!

Grenmah got Hanging Guard... She has all the stances now =D
It's kind of.. well very very slow. But the damage is nice.
Can't wait to max it!!! Ignore Target Block pl0x <3


Sigh so yeah anyways I'm lvling Equites in Topolo with phantomed's ogre sword!
After that I guess I'll lvl Flintlock.. with my Black Dragon... and then
Grenmah's Hanging Guard I guess? It's so slow! It'll be hard to lvl.

After that I'm going to expert grind my Romina ^-^

BTW a little (un)known fact:
Most of my characters are named after Angels :D lol!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lorenzo Diary 1517 1/1(Completed)

Last night around 8pm SST (PST) I found people to go to Oculta Fortress with!
So I got my Grenmah, Musketeer, and Scout to go...

We finally went into the dungeon of hell....

It was a lot brighter than I thought!
People I went with were ReyesII and Metalquimistas.
ReyesII had:
Expert Romina with uber armor, Vet Musketeer and Vet STF
Metalquimistas had:
Expert Wizard, Expert Grace and Expert Scout
We went in and died like 50 times (not really) because of the traps and stuff there
but Im too lazy to explain. Maybe I'll another day.

The mop we had to kill was called Kobold Elder:


It took like 10min to kill one with 3 families D:
Sadly none of us got the diary before Metal and Reyes got too tired
(after like 4hrs of farming)
We decided to afk in the dungeon praying that we don't d/c
By the time I woke up Metal d/ced and it was just me and Reyes
Hour after hour no sign of the diary.... and then....


wolper and sith were there to do their part of the expert stance quest,
and they gladly agreed to help us with the quest,
because it was a lot faster to kill together
and after few hours.. wolper got the diary!
And then I got mine after few hours after that:

And then ~Sithlord~ got his and we were helping ReyesII get his diary... but wolper and sith had to leave for clan raid and now its just me and ReyesII again! I could leave but I decided to stay and help him get his diary :x because I wouldnt want him to leave me alone there by myself if I was in his shoes -_- RAWR I cant wait to get Flintlock, Hanging Guard and Equites! It will be uber!

HUUUUUUGE Thanks to wolpertinger and ~Sithlord~ :D
and Good luck to ReyesII! lol

Friday, October 9, 2009

Claire is Vet!

Why yes she is holding a Conqueror Cannon!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Got Claire!