Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lorenzo Diary 1517 1/1(Completed)

Last night around 8pm SST (PST) I found people to go to Oculta Fortress with!
So I got my Grenmah, Musketeer, and Scout to go...

We finally went into the dungeon of hell....

It was a lot brighter than I thought!
People I went with were ReyesII and Metalquimistas.
ReyesII had:
Expert Romina with uber armor, Vet Musketeer and Vet STF
Metalquimistas had:
Expert Wizard, Expert Grace and Expert Scout
We went in and died like 50 times (not really) because of the traps and stuff there
but Im too lazy to explain. Maybe I'll another day.

The mop we had to kill was called Kobold Elder:


It took like 10min to kill one with 3 families D:
Sadly none of us got the diary before Metal and Reyes got too tired
(after like 4hrs of farming)
We decided to afk in the dungeon praying that we don't d/c
By the time I woke up Metal d/ced and it was just me and Reyes
Hour after hour no sign of the diary.... and then....


wolper and sith were there to do their part of the expert stance quest,
and they gladly agreed to help us with the quest,
because it was a lot faster to kill together
and after few hours.. wolper got the diary!
And then I got mine after few hours after that:

And then ~Sithlord~ got his and we were helping ReyesII get his diary... but wolper and sith had to leave for clan raid and now its just me and ReyesII again! I could leave but I decided to stay and help him get his diary :x because I wouldnt want him to leave me alone there by myself if I was in his shoes -_- RAWR I cant wait to get Flintlock, Hanging Guard and Equites! It will be uber!

HUUUUUUGE Thanks to wolpertinger and ~Sithlord~ :D
and Good luck to ReyesII! lol


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