Monday, October 12, 2009


 came back home from school and noticed my game was in its login screen. I disconnected! I logged in and noticed that ReyesII wasn't online. I was like. Wow that fucking sucks for him...

And then I moved on with life and got my expert stances for my characters!

Fighter currently has Equites and I might give him Hanging Guard later
But Im not sure... so useless... I just got Equites on him because it looks cool.


Musketeer got Flintlock!

Grenmah got Hanging Guard... She has all the stances now =D
It's kind of.. well very very slow. But the damage is nice.
Can't wait to max it!!! Ignore Target Block pl0x <3


Sigh so yeah anyways I'm lvling Equites in Topolo with phantomed's ogre sword!
After that I guess I'll lvl Flintlock.. with my Black Dragon... and then
Grenmah's Hanging Guard I guess? It's so slow! It'll be hard to lvl.

After that I'm going to expert grind my Romina ^-^

BTW a little (un)known fact:
Most of my characters are named after Angels :D lol!


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